What do Beavers wear?
Beaver uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts, if you’d like to. More information can be found here
What do Cubs wear?
Cub uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts. More information can be found here
What is the Scout uniform?
Scouts wear a uniform during their weekly meetings and sometimes on trips away, depending on where they’re going and what they’re doing. Usually, this consists of a teal green shirt or blouse with their badges sewn on, which they pair with a scarf, known as a necker. More information is here
Alongside their shirts, Scouts might wear the accompanying blue uniform trousers or skirt, or they might save their uniform bottoms to wear for special occasions like awards ceremonies and public events – choosing to wear something more casual with their shirt during the week. Optional accessories such as hats, hoodies, are also available.
What do you do?
Scouts is where young people make new friends, have amazing adventures, and learn new skills. Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing.
Where do you meet?
We meet in and around Saffron Walden depending on the activity and the time of year. A lot of our activities are based out of Scout HQ on the High Street.
When do you meet?
Term Time
Beavers Tuesdays 1830 – 1930
Cubs Wednesdays 1830 – 2000
Scouts Mondays 1900 – 2100
How much does scouts cost?
Scouts is £35 per term with three terms a year matching the schools. Each group charges a fee (called subscriptions or subs) to cover the costs of running regular meetings – which covers venue hire, insurances and materials for activities. There are sometimes extra charges for special activities, camps and events.
What training do the adult leaders have?
All adults that have an association with the group must complete at least a DBS check with most completing first aid, safeguarding and safety training as well. All section leaders need to complete a comprehensive and award winning training programme that ensures they are able to run safe, fun and educational meetings for young people.