Group Scout Leader
Simon Bates
Simon was a Cub and Scout himself (1st Stratford upon Avon). His son Daniel joined 1st SW Beavers back in 2014. A few years ago, he answered the call for a new Cub Section Leader, when the pack was without one. Simon very much enjoyed his couple of years as Cub Leader, but with Daniel having moved up to Scouts and the group also needing a GSL he took the opportunity to take on this new challenge.
Outside of Scouts, Simon works as a Technical Project Manager for an engineering consultancy, helping design and develop cutting-edge technology. He is an Open Water Diving instructor and Advanced Diver (B.S.A.C) and especially loves British diving. He also has a passion for Amateur Theatre and, whilst he can occasionally be found treading the boards, is more often seen behind either the sound or lighting boards.

Assistant Group Scout Leader & Scout Leader
Kevin Rule
Cub Scout Leader (Swifts)
Debbie Gibson
Debbie became Cub Scout leader in 2019 after answering a plea for a new Cub leader when the current one was changing roles. She had never been a scout herself but was once a Brownie/Guide and with 20 years of experience as an early years practitioner thought she could give it a shot. Her son was in the Beaver colony so she started off helping out there. She then helped out at some cub sessions and went on a cub camp, where she got hooked. Within 2 years Debbie has completed her Wood Badge training and been part of some major district events during lockdown, for which she was recently awarded a Commissioners Commendation for her enthusiasm and service to scouting during the pandemic. Debbie works full-time and looks after a house and family, as well as fitting in her scouting duties, she also enjoys a game of darts and holidaying/exploring what this country has to offer.

Cub Scout Leader (Curlews)
Candace Redden
Acting Beaver Scout Leader
Louise Colledge

Assistant Scout Leader & Quartermaster
Kitty Palmer
Assistant Scout Leader
Rachel Cooper

Assistant Scout Leader
Charlie Irwin
Assistant Scout Leader
Isobel Poles

Assistant Scout Leader
Zizzi Zhang-Klingberg
Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Swifts)
Chris Arnott

Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Swifts)
Oz Makinaci
Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Curlews)
Alex Sullivan

Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
Jean Rule