Remembrance Sunday 2021

Sunday saw a fantastic turnout from the young people across the group. They were paying tribute to the men and women of the armed forces and emergency services, who lost their lives in the service of their country. After laying…

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Trick or Eat

Rather than knocking on doors and asking ‘Trick or Treat’, the question was ‘Trick or Eat’. 1st Saffron Walden Beavers, Cubs and Scouts asked friends and neighbours to donate a bag of food for someone in need this Halloween. In…

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Scouts activity day

Okay, so it rained a little bit. Maybe a little bit more than a little but we still managed to pack in an activity day full of activities. The Scouts took part in kart racing, tent-building practice, backwoods cooking for…

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Cub Camp September 2021

A fantastic night away for the cubs

A fantastic start back to camping for the Cubs. An exciting night away at Thriftwood campsite the first for a very long time. With activities including pioneering, climbing, water rolling, camp skits, a campfire and axe throwing! Lots of 1sts,…

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Scouts made me

Thinking of joining? Check out this video of some of the things you could be getting up to.

We’re forever blowing bubbles

Beavers were on the common recently for an evening of bubble blowing in the sunshine. Some truly amazing bubbles were produced along with much laughter from all. If you want to join in at home here’s the page where we…

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